PLAN PLUS LIMITED has experts from different areas of Roads and Highways Engineers,
Structural Design and Foundations Engineers, Water Resources Engineers, Hydrologists,
Water Supply and Sanitation Engineers, Municipal Engineers, Mechanical & Electrical
Engineers, MIS, GIS & RS Specialists, Software and Hardware Engineers, Institutional
Development Experts, Sociologist, Economist, Social and Gender Development Expert,
Training Specialist, Public Awareness Specialist, Beneficiary Mobilization Specialist,
Participatory Development Specialists, Community Development Specialists, Financial
Analyst, Legal Affairs Expert, Agriculturists, Resettlement and Social Safeguard Specialist,
Environmentalists, Fisheries and Forestry Specialist, Soil and Land Use Experts, Urban
Planners and Architects. They have working experience in different organizations and projects
funded by national and international donor and funding agencies.